Irish drinking culture is very similar. "Ah he's fond of the aul' drink so he is!" = functioning alcoholic. Not helped by the fact that there are zero places to socialise in the evening that isn't the pub, unless you go for dinner or to the cinema.

I don't drink much because of hangxiety and my dodgy digestive system, and it can be a bit stressful sometimes explaining why I don't want to drink. But also - we shouldn't have to explain why NOT. Like you, I still enjoy a mulled wine or a cocktail, and I think that's okay. It's a little treat.

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I think I was 20 when I first came to the UK to study, and during an internship, saw just how packed every single bar & pub was post 5. It made me realize that if someone didn't drink post-work, there's really not that many other opportunities to socialize with your coworkers or even "network."

This was a very thoughtful & insightful post. So much of adult socialization revolves around drinking that it's probably very difficult for those who don't. Luckily, like you said, a lot of the younger generation is okay with non-alcoholic drinks & is actively switching to other types of social activities too!

Also, omg, your little one is growing up SO quickly!! She was so little when I saw her at the start of summer!! Adorable pictures <3

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