Oct 20, 2023Liked by Ellen Kate Boyle

Excellent read, and a wonderful reminder of the soothing effects of nature. I live by the sea (hello from Sunderland!) and a walk with the smell of salt in the air can bring me down from moments of high anxiety. Thank you for sharing this personal story about your mother!

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Thank you so much, Kelly! The beaches along Sunderland way are so beautiful as well.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Ellen Kate Boyle

Beautifully written and much anticipated after yesterday's request. xxx

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Thanks dad!xxx

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Honestly, the idea of living somewhere where I can't visit the sea within an hour's travel (at max) scares me. I need water bodies around me (recent history has shown me that Amsterdam's canals work well too) and it's important for me to be able to see the horizon stretch until I can no longer see it end. Growing up in Mumbai, access to the coast has been plentiful (so perhaps I've lucked out with both the sea & a city life) so I think it's essential for me as life goes on too.

Great read as always, and I'll definitely go out for a walk tomorrow. I know I need some outdoor time for sure.

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This is lovely Ellen - my dad's equivalent was a trip back to South Wales about 8-9 months before he died, but after a close-call stint in the ICU...it took a lot of energy he didn't really have, but it was worth it. The hills and the stones, like the coast and (hopefully) the crocus garden, will always be there.

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Thanks Arlen, that's fascinating that he also had this last and final want (more of a needn!) to return to a special place in the outdoors

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